Tuesday, July 10, 2012


When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for a FREE people to VOTE to defend their freedoms----our time is this November. Never before in the history of this great nation has there been a situation like the one we have with Obamacare...or should I  say Obama-TAX. From the very biginning of this nightmare the crafters of this thing justified the indavidual mandate because of the commerse clause in the Constitution. Thus, in their thinking they can "mandate" us into doing commerse. THAT was found unconstitutional by Judge Roberts decision.  Now, the DIM-O-CRATS are estatic because the law could be upheld "as a tax" OOOK So what is it? Did not President Barack Obama say on TV that it was "not a tax"?If the Dems agree with the Supreme Courts decision then this tax increase is probably THE biggest in American history. Is'nt that nice? a tax increase with millions of Americans unemployed, during a recession, and an economy heading full speed to shipwreck. This November -people WE STILL HAVE A CHOICE. We as a nation will ether vote to turn this ship to safety (God bless the Tea Party) or we will be dashed to peices on the rocks of economic ruin now looming before us. The Democrats have already made their choices---this November is OUR turn--change is coming Dems--America will choose and thank God it is NOT too late. I close with a beautiful sight I saw recently--a young family enjoying July 4th. Yes, this country is  worth fighting for. After only 236 years America is much to young to die.

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