Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is Obamacare so dear?

In the early days of the American revolution there were many who wondered what the "fuss" was all about. Even when the British thugs were kicking in doors and "residing" in the colonials houses there were those that thought it was "OK". After all - did not the English Crown "take care" of it's subjects? Did not King George 111 promised his "care" for the colonies??The answer came in 1773 when Patriots boarded the tea ships and sent a message to the king...": you know where you can stick your "TEA"!!!! On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed the health care law--aka-Obamacare. On that day our liberty to choose for ourselves our own health care was wiped away with a stroke of a pen. We now have to have health insurance--or else. Since when does government had the athority to force us to by ant goods or services? What happens next? Will the government force us to send our childern to a "govenment approved" school?Will we have to buy our cars from GM--Government Motors?Our founding fathers and our heroic Veterans fought so that we can live in LIBERTY! I see the crosses in Arlington cemetary of those who have paid the ultamate price to help secure our freedoms---now our liberties are being legislated away?---I SAY ENOUGH!!All across this great nation conserned Patriotic Americans have raised their voices at Tea Party rallies and Townhall meetings about government overeach. The result was the Shallacking in the mid-term elections.Is Obamacare or the "nanny" state so dear that we lose our freedoms?What will be the next step in "taking care" of us? We still have choices people....Obamacare or freedom to choose ourselves. 2012 is right around the corner-where will we go? I do not know what course others may take ---but as for me give me LIBERTY!!!It is not to late....yet.


  1. Liberty,

    Check out Virginia's elections yesterday. We know a thing or two about liberty and we moved the government of our Commonwealth to the right - where liberty resides.

    You are right - it isn't too late - and it can be done.

  2. Common Sense--Well said! and It will---in 2012
