Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Move over 1773...it is our turn now.

When the Colonial Patriots boarded the british tea ship in 1773 their intent was to send a very clear message to the oppressive British parliment. The message was you know where you can stick your unwanted "tea"tax!!! In very much the same way in the 2010 mid-term elections the American people did the same. This is not an election about tax returns or who is the most "likable" The elections this year is about saving this nation from the very rocks of economic ruin now LITERALLY looming before us. Never before in the history of this great nation have we faced a situation like we do now. Our freedom has been attacked with Obamacare, outside Nations think we are a joke, and the National dept is now over 16 TRILLION! This effects each and every one of us and what is this administration concerned with?This current administration feels it is more important to argue about tax returns than the economic crisis we are facing. I say ENOUGH!!!When the rocks hit there will be little time for arguing. We must turn this grand ship to safety before it is too late and November will be our turn to do so. I fully support the tea party and conservitive Republicans who are standing up. I also believe it was fitting for Paul Ryan to stand before a battleship when he accepted the VP nod because there is indeed a battle ahead. the battle to SAVE AMERICA from the disasterous course the Democrats have taken her. It can be done, the time is now, and this November will be our turn to do some  DUMPING!!!! Change is COMING!   ...THIS NOVEMBER!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's not Romney taking away our choices

You gotta laugh at some of these political ads. It really makes you wonder where do they get their ideas from. Take for example the pro-planned parenthood ad claiming that Mitt Romney is taking away choices...Really? The last time I checked the REAL culprit that has taken away our freedom of choice was Obamacare. Because of this law it does not matter what we want--it has been "chosen" for us by Big Brother and the Democrats. What makes this even worse is we have a national media that is not telling us about these things. The so called "news" media is more conserned about Mitt Romneys tax returns than the rocks of economic ruin NOW literally looming before us. Make no mistake-the rocks are real and guess what? they are non partisan--they treat every ship the same. There is still time to turn this great ship called America to the safe waters of fiscal responsibility and common sense but time is running out. It will be too late after we hit the rocks. The good news is that America is WAKING UP!! People are seeing right thru the kool-aid laced fog blown their way by big winded DEMOCRATS and are rejecting their "tea". I call it a NEW great awakening. I point to the mid term elections of 2010 as proof.  This election is indeed all about direction-which way will we go?The Democrats have had their chance and blew it. Now there is a new rumbling in the hills..it is the sturring of an awakened VOTING giant!  Change is coming...THIS NOVEMBER!!!    Romney/Ryan 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for a FREE people to VOTE to defend their freedoms----our time is this November. Never before in the history of this great nation has there been a situation like the one we have with Obamacare...or should I  say Obama-TAX. From the very biginning of this nightmare the crafters of this thing justified the indavidual mandate because of the commerse clause in the Constitution. Thus, in their thinking they can "mandate" us into doing commerse. THAT was found unconstitutional by Judge Roberts decision.  Now, the DIM-O-CRATS are estatic because the law could be upheld "as a tax" OOOK So what is it? Did not President Barack Obama say on TV that it was "not a tax"?If the Dems agree with the Supreme Courts decision then this tax increase is probably THE biggest in American history. Is'nt that nice? a tax increase with millions of Americans unemployed, during a recession, and an economy heading full speed to shipwreck. This November -people WE STILL HAVE A CHOICE. We as a nation will ether vote to turn this ship to safety (God bless the Tea Party) or we will be dashed to peices on the rocks of economic ruin now looming before us. The Democrats have already made their choices---this November is OUR turn--change is coming Dems--America will choose and thank God it is NOT too late. I close with a beautiful sight I saw recently--a young family enjoying July 4th. Yes, this country is  worth fighting for. After only 236 years America is much to young to die.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is Obamacare so dear?

In the early days of the American revolution there were many who wondered what the "fuss" was all about. Even when the British thugs were kicking in doors and "residing" in the colonials houses there were those that thought it was "OK". After all - did not the English Crown "take care" of it's subjects? Did not King George 111 promised his "care" for the colonies??The answer came in 1773 when Patriots boarded the tea ships and sent a message to the king...": you know where you can stick your "TEA"!!!! On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed the health care law--aka-Obamacare. On that day our liberty to choose for ourselves our own health care was wiped away with a stroke of a pen. We now have to have health insurance--or else. Since when does government had the athority to force us to by ant goods or services? What happens next? Will the government force us to send our childern to a "govenment approved" school?Will we have to buy our cars from GM--Government Motors?Our founding fathers and our heroic Veterans fought so that we can live in LIBERTY! I see the crosses in Arlington cemetary of those who have paid the ultamate price to help secure our freedoms---now our liberties are being legislated away?---I SAY ENOUGH!!All across this great nation conserned Patriotic Americans have raised their voices at Tea Party rallies and Townhall meetings about government overeach. The result was the Shallacking in the mid-term elections.Is Obamacare or the "nanny" state so dear that we lose our freedoms?What will be the next step in "taking care" of us? We still have choices people....Obamacare or freedom to choose ourselves. 2012 is right around the corner-where will we go? I do not know what course others may take ---but as for me give me LIBERTY!!!It is not to late....yet.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ronald Reagan was right...AGAIN!

"Are you better off than your were four years ago?" When the great communicator- Ronald Reagan-asked that question in 1980 he was right on! "Mr Peanut" was in the White House and Iran was holding innocent Americans hostage. When I see the political/economic landscape today the words ring ever more true. We are not only NOT better off under President Brarack Obama WE ARE WORSE OFF! The National Dept is over 14 Trillion, unemployment is sky high, and because of Obamacare we have lost our freedom to choose for OURSELVES in regard to our health care. What makes this landscape even more troubling is the so called "news" media just going along with the "progressive" flow--well guess what? Lemmings heading  toward a deadly cliff are "progressing" toward something are they not? Thank God Reagan was elected.The hostages came home, our econony boomed, and Americans started to believe...again. The elections of 2012 are just around the corner and we have clear choices to make. I believe the very future of this country as a Constitutional Republic is at stake. It is NOT too late to save America--We made very real choices in the Mid-Term elections of last November---now on to 2012! It is NOT too late.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's Time...again.

My Dad served on a Distroyer during ww2. My Grandfather was a "Doughboy" during "the great war". I remember hearing many stories of battles and why we had to fight. I have also heard from so called "peace"activists that have no clue to what real peace is all about. One morning I was on my way to work when I heard an announcment ---we were under attack. That morning was September 11 2001. WE are a nation at WAR. WE did not declare it --IT was declared on US by a very real enemy that seeks our distruction. Right after the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor something happened in America--WE WOKE UP!!!I know for a fact that before this attack there were those who warned us of the threat-(thank you Gen Billy Mitchell)-and there were those who dismissed such warnings. We are now faced with the same choices. The Japanese who planned the Pearl Harbor attack thought if we were delt with such a "resounding blow" that we would fragment both politically and morally ten seek "peace" on their terms---THEY THOUGHT WRONG!!!Likewise Islamic terrorists or any enemy of American Liberty and our Constitution are sadly mistaken if they think that America is a pushover. It is TIME--AMERICA! TIME to come toghther --AGAIN to show the world WE BELIEVE in LIBERTY--and LIBERTY WILL STAND----UNITED.