Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's Time...again.

My Dad served on a Distroyer during ww2. My Grandfather was a "Doughboy" during "the great war". I remember hearing many stories of battles and why we had to fight. I have also heard from so called "peace"activists that have no clue to what real peace is all about. One morning I was on my way to work when I heard an announcment ---we were under attack. That morning was September 11 2001. WE are a nation at WAR. WE did not declare it --IT was declared on US by a very real enemy that seeks our distruction. Right after the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor something happened in America--WE WOKE UP!!!I know for a fact that before this attack there were those who warned us of the threat-(thank you Gen Billy Mitchell)-and there were those who dismissed such warnings. We are now faced with the same choices. The Japanese who planned the Pearl Harbor attack thought if we were delt with such a "resounding blow" that we would fragment both politically and morally ten seek "peace" on their terms---THEY THOUGHT WRONG!!!Likewise Islamic terrorists or any enemy of American Liberty and our Constitution are sadly mistaken if they think that America is a pushover. It is TIME--AMERICA! TIME to come toghther --AGAIN to show the world WE BELIEVE in LIBERTY--and LIBERTY WILL STAND----UNITED.