Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ronald Reagan was right...AGAIN!

"Are you better off than your were four years ago?" When the great communicator- Ronald Reagan-asked that question in 1980 he was right on! "Mr Peanut" was in the White House and Iran was holding innocent Americans hostage. When I see the political/economic landscape today the words ring ever more true. We are not only NOT better off under President Brarack Obama WE ARE WORSE OFF! The National Dept is over 14 Trillion, unemployment is sky high, and because of Obamacare we have lost our freedom to choose for OURSELVES in regard to our health care. What makes this landscape even more troubling is the so called "news" media just going along with the "progressive" flow--well guess what? Lemmings heading  toward a deadly cliff are "progressing" toward something are they not? Thank God Reagan was elected.The hostages came home, our econony boomed, and Americans started to believe...again. The elections of 2012 are just around the corner and we have clear choices to make. I believe the very future of this country as a Constitutional Republic is at stake. It is NOT too late to save America--We made very real choices in the Mid-Term elections of last November---now on to 2012! It is NOT too late.